He therefore, sees the real meaning, can show it to us, can evoke the inner feelings and would lead us on the path of enlightenment. This is possible because he sees the same picture which was there when Shri Krishn preached the Geeta. He simply does not reiterate verses of the Geeta but, in fact, gives experiences to the inner feelings of the Geeta. Only after attaining the state which Shri Krishn had been to, an accomplished teacher knows what Geeta says. Some can be told, some are expressed through the body language, and the rest are to be realised which can only be understood by a seeker through experiences. What were the inner feelings and emotions of Shri Krishn when he preached the Geeta? All inner feelings cannot be expressed in words. Srimad Bhagavad Gita explained verse by verse after 5200 years by Swami Shri Adgadanand Ji Maharaj: